Protonorms are generalized raw scores that allow comparison between scores from different tests, but do not contain information as to where a score stands in any population; they are not standard scores or quantiles. A report on the current norming of protonorms to norms is Adjustment of the protonorms to norms conversion.
Prot. = Protonorm
Female = Proportion of female high-range test candidates outscored.
Male = Proportion of male high-range test candidates outscored.
Combined = Sex-combined proportion of high-range test candidates outscored.
I.Q. = Intelligence Quantifier: Projected general population standard score, the mean of the adult Western population being set at 100. The term "I.Q." is reserved for heterogeneous tests; for homogeneous tests, the term "Standard score" is used.
General = Proportion of adult Western population outscored at a given I.Q. level, assuming a normal distribution, standard deviation of 15, and unlimited population size, those three assumptions being hypothetical.