I.Q. Tests for the High Range

Three Minotaur heads as appearing on the Cooijmans family coat of arms.

List of tests

List of high-range I.Q. tests with description and ordering information

A quick impression of the item types contained in a test is given by the columns V (verbal), N (numerical), S (spatial), L (logical).

A rough indicator of test hardness (difficulty from 0 to 100) is in column H.

Easy tests

Test nameVNSLHRemark
Problems In Gentle Slopes of the third degree✓   17 
Reason Behind Multiple-Choice  17Comprises Qoymans Multiple-Choice #5 and Reason - Revision 2008.
Gliaweb Riddled Intelligence Test20 
The Bonsai Test - Revision 2016 25A short test

Moderate tests

Test nameVNSLHRemark
The Marathon Test 32A long test
The Marathon Test - Numerical and Spatial sections  38 
Associative LIMIT  45Comprises Genius Association Test and Lieshout International Mesospheric Intelligence Test
Test of the Beheaded Man46Your brain will hurt.
The Sargasso Test47The Sargasso sea of wrecked test problems
Cooijmans Intelligence Test - Form 3E 49If in doubt which to choose, this one is recommended.

Hard tests

Test nameVNSLHRemark
Psychometrically Activated Grids Acerbate Neuroticism  52Comprises Psychometric Qrosswords and Daedalus Test
Test For Genius - Numerical and Spatial sections  53 
A Relaxing Test  54By David Miller
Divine Psychometry 55By Matthew Scillitani
Cooijmans Intelligence Test - Form 4E58Win the Prize of the Beheaded Man and acquire eternal fame!
Labyrinthine LIMIT  61Comprises Lieshout International Mesospheric Intelligence Test and Daedalus Test
The Alchemist Test  62By Anas El Husseini — Win the Prize of the Beheaded Man and acquire eternal fame!
Test For Genius 63 
Narcissus' last stand 65Comprises Reflections In Peroxide and The Test To End All Tests
Dicing with death  66Comprises The Final Test - Revision 2013 and some additional dicey problems
The Piper's Test71Will you free the abducted children of Hameln?
Problems In Gentle Slopes of the second degree  71 

Hardest tests

Test nameVNSLHRemark
The Smell Test 79Do you think you pass the smell test?
The Gate 80 
Only idiots82Only an idiot would attempt this test.
A Paranoiac's Torture - Intelligence Test Utilizing Diabolic Exactitude 84This test is out to get you.
Random Feickery 85By Brandon Feick
Cooijmans Intelligence Test 5 86 
The Nemesis Test89Very hard
Isis Test  90Extremely hard
Cooijmans On-Line Test - Two-barrelled version 100Take extreme care - the COLT will blow your brain right off.