The top correlates of high-range I.Q.

© January 2023 Paul Cooijmans


The below table contains the collected personal and personality details of test candidates and their correlations with high-range I.Q. test scores. In the fourth column is the weighted average of that correlate's correlations. The correlates are ranked by the absolute values of their average correlations. One may take the square root of this average as an estimation of the correlate's g loading, to be understood as the actual correlation of that correlate with general intelligence. The average correlation as such is an underestimation of the true correlation as a result of the error component in the test scores.

For better understanding, one should realize that, a priori, there is no reason whatsoever why these correlations should deviate significantly from zero, and that for high-range I.Q. tests themselves, this value — that is, the weighted average of the test's correlations with other high-range I.Q. tests — is mostly around .5 or higher.

The correlates

Rank Correlate N r
1 Observed associative horizon 556 .390
2 P.S.I.A. Orderly - Revision 2007 936 .301
3 P.S.I.A. True - Revision 2007 936 .258
4 P.S.I.A. Rational - Revision 2007 936 .248
5 Observed behaviour 1308 .226
6 P.S.I.A. System factor - Revision 2007 936 .218
7 P.S.I.A. Ethics factor - Revision 2007 936 .207
8 Educational level 5498 .157
9 P.S.I.A. Cold - Revision 2007 936 .155
10 P.S.I.A. Introverted - Revision 2007 936 .147
11 Sex (female = 0, male = 1) 8101 .126
12 P.S.I.A. Deviance factor - Revision 2007 936 .126
13 Cooijmans Inventory of Neo-Marxist Attitudes 541 -.115
14 P.S.I.A. Extreme - Revision 2007 936 .114
15 Disorders (own) 5515 -.110
16 Disorders (parents and siblings) 5346 -.106
17 P.S.I.A. Neurotic - Revision 2007 936 .099
18 Gifted Adult's Inventory of Aspergerisms 1279 -.084
19 P.S.I.A. Antisocial - Revision 2007 936 -.080
20 P.S.I.A. Aspergoid - Revision 2007 936 .078
21 P.S.I.A. Cruel - Revision 2007 936 -.076
22 P.S.I.A. Just - Revision 2007 936 .059
23 P.S.I.A. Rare - Revision 2007 936 .051
24 Father's educational level 5109 .039
25 Year of birth 7547 -.033
26 Mother's educational level 5192 .015

The correlations smaller than .06 (absolute value) are not significant.