Epiq Tests (aggregate) statistics

Paul Cooijmans


These are statistics based on the scores on Epiq's tests (aggregate) as reported by test candidates of I.Q. Tests for the High Range.

Scores on Epiq Tests (aggregate) as of 25 June 2022

131 *
139 *
140 *
141 *
142 *
143 ***
144 ***
145 *****
146 *
147 **
148 *
149 **
150 ***
153 *
155 *
156 *

Correlation of Epiq Tests (aggregate) with other mental ability tests

(Test index) Test name n r
(3) Qoymans Multiple-Choice #540.98
(66) Test For Genius - Revision 200470.95
(263) Tests by Paul Laurent Miranda (aggregate)60.95
(7) The Final Test40.92
(63) Long Test For Genius40.92
(216) Tests by Ivan Ivec (aggregate)40.92
(236) International High IQ Society tests (aggregate)50.91
(40) Reason Behind Multiple-Choice - Revision 200840.91
(235) Nonverbal Cognitive Performance Examination (Xavier Jouve)120.90
(27) Spatial section of Test For Genius - Revision 200480.90
(239) Titan Test (Ronald K. Hoeflin)60.85
(16) Lieshout International Mesospheric Intelligence Test40.83
(226) Logima Strictica 24 (Robert Lato)60.83
(24) Reason - Revision 200840.83
(240) Strict Logic Spatial Exam 48 (Jonathan Wai)70.79
(75) Analogies of Long Test For Genius50.75
(231) Tests by Greg Grove (aggregate)80.70
(57) Space, Time, and Hyperspace50.69
(237) Sigma Test (Hindemburg)40.69
(234) Strict Logic Sequences Exam I (Jonathan Wai)140.68
(10) Genius Association Test80.66
(87) Cooijmans Intelligence Test - Form 250.62
(26) Verbal section of Test For Genius - Revision 200470.53
(225) Logima Strictica 36 (Robert Lato)140.50
(79) Association subtest of Long Test For Genius50.46
(223) Strict Logic Sequences Exam II (Jonathan Wai)60.45
(242) Unknown and miscellaneous tests140.37
(224) Test of Inductive Reasoning / J.C.T.I. (Xavier Jouve)90.29
(218) Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (I.Q.)50.26
(80) Qoymans Multiple-Choice #450.25
(11) Isis Test60.13
(53) Qoymans Multiple-Choice #360.06
(246) Sequentia Numerica Form I (Alexander Herkner)5-0.18
(211) Culture Fair Numerical Spatial Examination - Final version (Etienne Forsström)10-0.41
(68) Numbers5-0.93

Weighted average of correlations: 0.549 (N = 231, weighted sum = 126.72)

Conservatively estimated minimum g loading: 0.74

Ranking in above table is based on the unrounded correlations. All available data is present in this table, no tests are left out except for those with less than 4 score pairs. All known pairs are used, including possible floor/ceiling scores or outliers.

Estimated loadings of Epiq Tests (aggregate) on particular item types

Too little data.

National medians for Epiq Tests (aggregate)

Country n median score

For reasons of privacy, only countries with 2 or more candidates are included in this table. Ranking is based on the medians, and then alphabetic.

Correlation with national I.Q.'s of Epiq Tests (aggregate)

Correlation of this test with national average I.Q.'s published by Lynn and Vanhanen:

Correlation of Epiq Tests (aggregate) with personal details

Personalia n r
P.S.I.A. Antisocial - Revision 200740.99
P.S.I.A. Cruel - Revision 200740.93
P.S.I.A. Neurotic - Revision 200740.65
P.S.I.A. Introverted - Revision 200740.62
P.S.I.A. Orderly - Revision 200740.54
P.S.I.A. System factor - Revision 200740.47
P.S.I.A. Rare - Revision 200740.41
Father's educational level240.26
P.S.I.A. Just - Revision 200740.25
Mother's educational level250.23
Educational level250.19
P.S.I.A. Cold - Revision 200740.15
P.S.I.A. Aspergoid - Revision 200740.01
P.S.I.A. True - Revision 20074-0.03
P.S.I.A. Deviance factor - Revision 20074-0.20
Disorders (own)26-0.20
Year of birth28-0.21
Disorders (parents and siblings)25-0.23
Observed behaviour6-0.30
Cooijmans Inventory of Neo-Marxist Attitudes4-0.37
P.S.I.A. Ethics factor - Revision 20074-0.56
P.S.I.A. Extreme - Revision 20074-0.69
Gifted Adult's Inventory of Aspergerisms4-0.91
P.S.I.A. Rational - Revision 20074-0.94

Estimated g factor loadings upward and downward of particular scores

In parentheses the number of score pairs on which that estimated g factor loading is based. The goal of this is to verify the hypothesis that g becomes less important, accounts for a smaller proportion of the variance, at higher I.Q. levels. The mere fact of restricting the range like this also depresses the g loading compared to computing it over the test's full range, so it would be normal for both values to be lower than the test's full-range g loading.

Raw scoreUpward g (N)Downward g (N)
1310.74 (231)NaN (0)
1420.62 (187)NaN (0)
1450.49 (90)0.68 (83)
1480.35 (27)0.61 (139)
156NaN (0)0.74 (231)