Cito-toets statistics

Paul Cooijmans


These are statistics based on the Cito-toets scores reported by test candidates.

Scores on Cito-toets as of 7 July 2022

534 *
535 *
539 *
540 *
541 *
542 *
543 *
545 *
546 ***
547 **
548 **
549 *
550 ***********

Scores by males

n = 16

540 *
541 *
545 *
546 ***
547 **
550 ********

Scores by females

n = 11

534 *
535 *
539 *
542 *
543 *
548 **
549 *
550 ***

Correlation of Cito-toets with other mental ability tests

(Test index) Test name n r
(72) Qoymans Automatic Test #140.97
(80) Qoymans Multiple-Choice #440.88
(87) Cooijmans Intelligence Test - Form 240.80
(242) Unknown and miscellaneous tests140.64
(220) Cattell Culture Fair40.54
(53) Qoymans Multiple-Choice #370.52
(209) Drenth number series4-0.09
(51) Qoymans Multiple-Choice #14-0.48

Weighted average of correlations: 0.514 (N = 45, weighted sum = 23.14)

Conservatively estimated minimum g loading: 0.72

Ranking in above table is based on the unrounded correlations. All available data is present in this table, no tests are left out except for those with less than 4 score pairs. All known pairs are used, including possible floor/ceiling scores or outliers.

Correlation of Cito-toets with personal details

Personalia n r
Educational level130.40
Observed behaviour50.30
Father's educational level12-0.05
Year of birth23-0.20
Disorders (own)13-0.29
Disorders (parents and siblings)12-0.36
Mother's educational level12-0.39