Statistics of Educational level

© Paul Cooijmans


The educational levels reported by test candidates are encoded as follows:

Notice: The Associate degree option has been added to the form years after the other options. If you are a test candidate and your highest achieved educational level is Associate, you may inform the Psychometitor or resubmit the test registration form to be certain it is on record.

Scores on Educational level as of 26 March 2025

Contents type: Personal information, observation, or non-cognitive personality test score in numeric form.   


Notice: Frequencies are given as numbers instead of *** here because they are so high that they would run off the screen otherwise.

Scores by males

n = 1023


Scores by females

n = 159

0 *
1 *
2 ***
3 *************
4 **************************************************
4.5 *
5 ********************************************
6 *********************************
7 *************

Correlation of Educational level with other mental ability tests

Test name n rp value
Problems In Gentle Slopes of the fourth degree40.820.16
Encephalist - R (Xavier Jouve)60.760.09
Analogies subtest of Long Test For Genius (Netherlandic)100.750.03
New York High I.Q. Society tests50.720.15
Tests by Randy Myers (other than Advanced Intelligence Test)40.700.24
Three Sonnets (Heinrich Siemens)40.680.25
Long Test For Genius (Netherlandic)90.680.05
Cattell Culture Fair Intelligence Test 20-R40.670.25
Test of Shock and Awe180.660.006
The Gate70.610.13
Tests by Brendan Harris (aggregate)60.590.19
Divine Psychometry (Matthew Scillitani)140.560.04
F.N.A. (Xavier Jouve)40.560.34
Chimera Test (Bill Bultas)40.550.34
Female Intelligence Test60.540.22
Tickle Tests (
Sunesis Test (Rudimar Schmitz)40.490.40
Numerical and spatial sections of The Marathon Test710.480.00005
Spatial section of The Marathon Test720.470.00008
Short Test For Genius150.470.08
Test of the Beheaded Man640.470.0002
Psychometrically Activated Grids Acerbate Neuroticism180.460.06
Random Feickery (Brandon Feick)120.460.12
Test For Genius - Revision 2010350.460.007
Only idiots170.450.07
Concep-T (Laurent Dubois)100.440.18
Numerical section of The Marathon Test740.440.0002
Gliaweb Raadselachtig Analogieproefwerk120.430.15
Cattell Verbal (also known as Cattell B)100.430.19
The Marathon Test440.410.007
A Relaxing Test (David Miller)180.410.09
Qoymans Multiple-Choice #1170.410.10
Psychometric Qrosswords270.410.04
De Golfstroomtest - Herziening 201960.400.37
Problems In Gentle Slopes of the first degree260.400.05
Drenth number series80.390.30
Association and Analogies (German)50.390.42
The Smell Test130.390.17
Analogies of Long Test For Genius430.380.02
The Alchemist Test (Anas El Husseini)430.360.02
Spatial Insight Test250.350.09
The Nemesis Test730.350.003
Long Test For Genius370.340.04
Dicing with death220.340.12
Tests by Marc-André Nydegger (aggregate)60.330.46
Association subtest of Long Test For Genius480.330.03
European I.Q. Test90.320.37
Advanced Intelligence Test (Randy Myers)140.310.27
Low Countries Aptitude Test70.310.46
Daedalus Test430.300.06
Space, Time, and Hyperspace710.290.02
Cartoons of Shock490.280.05
Narcissus' last stand370.280.09
W-87 (International Society for Philosophical Enquiry)90.280.42
A-22 - Early experimental association test in Netherlandic, 27 items (maximum score 31)40.270.64
Gliaweb Riddled Intelligence Test - Revision 20112100.270.00007
Verbal section of The Marathon Test480.270.06
The Piper's Test270.270.16
Verbal section of Test For Genius - Revision 20041090.270.006
Miscellaneous tests2350.250.0001
Miller Analogies Test (before 2001; raw)70.240.54
Problems In Gentle Slopes of the second degree590.240.07
The Sargasso Test800.240.03
Qoymans Multiple-Choice #3 (batch scored by Paul Cooijmans)750.240.04
Analogies #180.240.52
Sequentia Numerica Form I (Alexander Herkner)130.240.40
Scholastic Aptitude Test (new)120.240.44
Tests by Xavier Jouve, other than those listed separately (aggregate)190.230.34
Cooijmans Intelligence Test 5800.220.05
Test For Genius - Revision 2004770.220.05
Tests by Greg Grove (aggregate)400.220.17
Qoymans Multiple-Choice #41480.210.01
De Roskam50.210.66
Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices (I.Q.)50.210.68
Non-Verbal Cognitive Performance Examination (Xavier Jouve)400.210.19
Scholastic Aptitude Test (old)180.200.40
Labyrinthine LIMIT330.200.26
Cooijmans On-Line Test - Two-barrelled version380.190.25
The LAW - Letters And Words190.190.42
Reflections In Peroxide620.180.16
Magma Test (Edward Vanhove)40.170.76
Qoymans Multiple-Choice #3 (batch scored by Jonathan Wai)120.170.57
The Final Test - Revision 2013200.170.46
Tests by Ivan Ivec (aggregate)350.160.34
Sigma Test (Melão Hindemburg)240.160.44
The Hammer Of Test-Hungry - Revision 2013180.160.50
Qoymans Multiple-Choice #2160.160.52
Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (raw)280.160.40
Kvociento (Bram van Kaathoven)60.160.71
Cooijmans Intelligence Test - Form 32070.160.03
Laaglandse Aanlegtest - Herziening 201690.150.66
Spatial section of Test For Genius - Revision 20041250.150.10
The Test To End All Tests660.140.25
Tests by Jason Betts (aggregate)280.140.46
Numerical Insight Test130.140.64
Gliaweb Riddled Intelligence Test (old version)430.140.37
Gliaweb Recycled Intelligence Test80.140.71
Space, Time, and Hyperspace - Revision 2016880.130.22
Association subtest of Long Test For Genius (Netherlandic)110.130.68
American College Testing program (from October 1989 onward)110.130.68
Qoymans Multiple-Choice #51210.120.17
Numerical section of Test For Genius - Revision 20101340.120.16
Cooijmans Intelligence Test - Form 41190.120.20
Combined Numerical and Spatial sections of Test For Genius - Revision 2016860.120.28
Problems In Gentle Slopes of the third degree690.110.37
Titan Test (Ronald K. Hoeflin)230.110.62
Graduate Record Examination (prior to October 2001)120.100.74
Test For Genius - Revision 2016640.100.42
The Blue Test (Andres Gomez Emilsson)110.100.76
Combined Numerical and Spatial sections of Test For Genius - Revision 2010550.100.48
The Bonsai Test - Revision 2016770.090.40
American College Testing program (prior to October 1989)70.090.81
Verbal section of Test For Genius - Revision 2016630.090.48
Reason Behind Multiple-Choice - Revision 20081170.080.38
Cooijmans Intelligence Test - Form 2620.070.60
The Final Test690.060.62
Mega Test (Ronald K. Hoeflin)130.060.84
Test of Inductive Reasoning / J.C.T.I. (Xavier Jouve)280.050.78
Genius Association Test1240.050.62
Tests by Iakovos Koukas (aggregate)100.040.90
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales500.030.81
Reason - Revision 20081180.030.78
Strict Logic Sequences Exam I (Jonathan Wai)780.020.84
Chimera High Ability Riddle Test (Bill Bultas)70.020.97
Cooijmans Intelligence Test - Form 1190.010.97
De Laatste Test5-0.001.00
Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (I.Q.)43-0.020.90
Lieshout International Mesospheric Intelligence Test121-0.020.78
Qoymans Automatic Test #212-0.020.94
Isis Test94-0.040.71
A Paranoiac's Torture: Intelligence Test Utilizing Diabolic Exactitude51-0.040.78
Tests by Paul Laurent Miranda (aggregate)17-0.050.84
Associative LIMIT86-0.050.62
Bonsai Test17-0.080.76
Culture Fair Numerical Spatial Examination - Final version (Etienne Forsström)57-0.080.54
Tests by Theodosis Prousalis (aggregate)14-0.120.66
Strict Logic Spatial Exam 48 (Jonathan Wai)34-0.120.48
916 Test (Laurent Dubois)24-0.130.54
Cooijmans On-Line Test15-0.160.57
Logima Strictica 36 (Robert Lato)52-0.170.24
International High IQ Society tests (aggregate)57-0.170.20
Strict Logic Sequences Exam II (Jonathan Wai)22-0.180.40
Epiq Tests (aggregate)53-0.190.16
Queendom tests12-0.210.50
Tests by Nikolaos Soulios (aggregate)29-0.210.26
Tests by James Dorsey (aggregate)10-0.220.50
Ultra Test (Ronald K. Hoeflin)13-0.280.34
G-test (Nikos Lygeros)9-0.290.40
De Laatste Test - Herziening 20198-0.300.42
Reason Behind Multiple-Choice31-0.300.10
Logima Strictica 24 (Robert Lato)17-0.310.22
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales for Children12-0.330.27
The Hammer Of Test-Hungry4-0.330.57
Tests by Mislav Predavec (aggregate)16-0.370.15
Hoeflin Power Test (Ronald K. Hoeflin)9-0.380.28
Cattell Culture Fair40-0.400.01
Tests by Arne Andre Gangvik (aggregate)5-0.430.38
Qoymans Automatic Test #112-0.450.13
Tests by Nicolas Elenas (aggregate)16-0.450.08
Qoymans Automatic Test #310-0.480.15
Graduate Management Admission Test4-0.510.37
Omega Contemplative Items Pool (Tommy Smith)7-0.660.11
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery - Armed Forces Qualification Test6-0.700.12
California Test of Mental Maturity6-0.760.09

Weighted mean of correlations: 0.149 (N = 6242)

Estimated g factor loading: 0.39

Ranking in above table is based on the unrounded correlations. All available data is present in this table, no tests are left out except for those with less than 4 score pairs. All known pairs are used, including possible floor/ceiling scores or outliers.

Correlation of Educational level with other tests - for females

Test name n rp value
Gliaweb Riddled Intelligence Test (old version)40.850.14
Verbal section of Test For Genius - Revision 200440.810.16
Test of the Beheaded Man40.800.17
The Final Test50.690.17
Reason - Revision 200850.680.17
Genius Association Test60.650.14
Reason Behind Multiple-Choice - Revision 200850.630.20
Cooijmans Intelligence Test - Form 240.610.28
Cooijmans Intelligence Test - Form 470.500.22
Cartoons of Shock50.480.34
Qoymans Multiple-Choice #550.400.42
Numerical section of Test For Genius - Revision 201040.370.52
Qoymans Multiple-Choice #3 (batch scored by Paul Cooijmans)80.360.34
Miscellaneous tests270.260.18
Cooijmans Intelligence Test - Form 3140.260.36
Gliaweb Riddled Intelligence Test - Revision 2011170.210.40
Qoymans Multiple-Choice #4150.180.50
Space, Time, and Hyperspace50.070.90
Lieshout International Mesospheric Intelligence Test4-0.250.66
Associative LIMIT4-0.260.64
Culture Fair Numerical Spatial Examination - Final version (Etienne Forsström)5-0.340.50
Cattell Culture Fair6-0.460.30

Weighted mean of correlations: 0.300 (N = 163)

Estimated g factor loading among females: 0.55

Ranking in above table is based on the unrounded correlations. All available data is present in this table, no tests are left out except for those with less than 4 score pairs. All known pairs are used, including possible floor/ceiling scores or outliers.

Remark: Within females, the correlation of educational level with I.Q. test scores is higher than within males (and females combined).

Estimated loadings of Educational level on particular item types

These are estimated g factor loadings, but against homogeneous tests (containing only particular item types) as opposed to non-compound heterogeneous tests. Although tending to surprise the lay person, it is not uncommon for tests to have high loadings on item types they do not actually contain themselves. Such loadings reflect the empirical fact that most tests for mental abilities measure primarily g, regardless of their contents; that the major part of test score variance is caused by g, and only a minor part by factors germane to particular item types. It is of key importance to understand that this is a fact of nature, a natural phenomenon, and not something that was built into the tests by the test constructors.

Typeng loading of Educational level on that type

N = 4436

Compound tests have been left out of this table to avoid overlap.

Balanced g loading = 0.35

Note: Although positive, the correlation of educational level with high-range I.Q. test scores (and therewith its g loading) is much too low to allow for a meaningful "norming" or regression of educational level to I.Q. For high-range test candidates, more education seems to require only marginally more g. This finding is not entirely inconsistent with what one may informally observe when communicating with persons who use academic titles in the high-I.Q. community.

National means for Educational level

Country n mean score

Total number of countries: 73

For reasons of privacy, only countries with 3 or more candidates are included in this table. Ranking is based on the unrounded means, and then alphabetic.

Correlation of Educational level with personal details

Personalia n rp value
Observed behaviour1110.240.01
Cooijmans Inventory of Neo-Marxist Attitudes620.150.26
PSIA Ethics factor - Revision 20071010.090.36
PSIA True - Revision 20071010.090.36
Father's educational level10870.070.02
PSIA Orderly - Revision 20071010.030.74
Observed associative horizon470.030.84
Mother's educational level1098-0.010.74
PSIA Neurotic - Revision 2007101-0.030.76
PSIA Cruel - Revision 2007101-0.060.54
PSIA Extreme - Revision 2007101-0.110.28
PSIA Rare - Revision 2007101-0.120.24
PSIA Antisocial - Revision 2007101-0.130.20
Disorders (parents and siblings)1146-0.140.000005
PSIA Aspergoid - Revision 2007101-0.140.15
Disorders (own)1154-0.150.0000002
PSIA Just - Revision 2007101-0.160.11
PSIA Deviance factor - Revision 2007101-0.170.09
PSIA Rational - Revision 2007101-0.180.07
PSIA System factor - Revision 2007101-0.210.03
PSIA Introverted - Revision 2007101-0.270.006
PSIA Cold - Revision 2007101-0.270.006
Gifted Adult's Inventory of Aspergerisms110-0.320.0008
Year of birth1176-0.45≈ 0

Significant negative correlates of educational level are year of birth (obvious) and Gifted Adult's Inventory of Aspergerisms, as well as several other indicators of deviance and disorder. Observed behaviour is the only sizeable significant positive correlate.

Correlation with personal details of Educational level - within females

Personalia n rp value
PSIA Antisocial - Revision 2007110.570.07
PSIA Just - Revision 2007110.500.12
PSIA Cold - Revision 2007110.440.17
PSIA Rare - Revision 2007110.420.18
PSIA Neurotic - Revision 2007110.420.18
PSIA System factor - Revision 2007110.420.19
PSIA Aspergoid - Revision 2007110.350.27
PSIA Ethics factor - Revision 2007110.240.44
PSIA True - Revision 2007110.230.46
PSIA Deviance factor - Revision 2007110.210.52
Father's educational level1360.190.03
PSIA Extreme - Revision 2007110.120.68
Mother's educational level1350.110.18
Gifted Adult's Inventory of Aspergerisms120.080.78
PSIA Cruel - Revision 2007110.010.97
Disorders (own)149-0.060.42
Disorders (parents and siblings)146-0.070.37
PSIA Introverted - Revision 200711-0.150.64
Observed associative horizon6-0.250.57
PSIA Orderly - Revision 200711-0.260.42
Year of birth155-0.320.00006
PSIA Rational - Revision 200711-0.370.25
Observed behaviour10-0.520.12

While not significant, several differences can be observed with the within-males correlations: Some negative correlates in males are positive in females, and vice versa.

Correlation with personal details of Educational level - within males

Personalia n rp value
Observed behaviour1010.260.01
Cooijmans Inventory of Neo-Marxist Attitudes600.120.36
Observed associative horizon410.070.66
Father's educational level9490.060.08
PSIA Orderly - Revision 2007900.060.60
PSIA True - Revision 2007900.040.71
PSIA Ethics factor - Revision 2007900.040.74
PSIA Cruel - Revision 200790-0.020.87
Mother's educational level961-0.030.42
PSIA Rational - Revision 200790-0.100.36
PSIA Neurotic - Revision 200790-0.130.20
PSIA Just - Revision 200790-0.140.19
PSIA Antisocial - Revision 200790-0.140.18
Disorders (parents and siblings)998-0.140.000006
PSIA Extreme - Revision 200790-0.160.13
Disorders (own)1003-0.170.0000001
PSIA Aspergoid - Revision 200790-0.200.06
PSIA Rare - Revision 200790-0.210.05
PSIA System factor - Revision 200790-0.220.04
PSIA Deviance factor - Revision 200790-0.230.03
PSIA Introverted - Revision 200790-0.300.005
PSIA Cold - Revision 200790-0.320.003
Gifted Adult's Inventory of Aspergerisms98-0.370.0003
Year of birth1019-0.47≈ 0

Estimated g factor loadings for restricted ranges

In parentheses the number of score pairs on which that estimated g factor loading is based. The goal of this is to verify the hypothesis that g becomes less important, accounts for a smaller proportion of the variance, at higher I.Q. levels. The mere fact of restricting the range like this also depresses the g loading compared to computing it over the test's full range, so it would be normal for these values to be lower than the test's full-range g loading.

Below 1st quartile (raw 4.0)0.36 (n = 2318)
Below median (raw 5.0)0.30 (n = 4286)
Above median (raw 5.0)0.34 (n = 3719)
Above 3rd quartile (raw 6.0)0.25 (n = 1784)

Notice: While the g loading of educational level in the high range is low overall, it is highest below the 1st quartile (secondary school completed).


Mistaken responses to a previous version of this report have made the following disclaimer necessary: This report deals only with statistics of high-range test candidates. Within the general population, there is no doubt a much higher correlation of educational level with I.Q. than reported for the high-range population. This difference has to do with phenomena like attenuation due to restriction of range, and Spearman's "law of diminishing returns" regarding g. Incorrect reporting by candidates may also play a role; some seem to report higher educational levels than they have, and notorious is the unauthorized used of the doctor title in high-I.Q. circles.